Make the World a Better Place

Heros, both Reluctant and Bold

Thread Spool

A weaver who never asked to spin the fate of anyone.

Age: 29
Race: Miqo'te
Occupation: Weaver and Adventurer

Height: 5'8"
Build: Lean
Hair Color: Dark green with pink highlights
Eye Color: Pink(Right)/Light Green(Left)

Piercings: Single piercing in each ear, old lip piercing
Tattoos: Green stripes from his jaw up to his cheeks.
Scars: a pair of crossed scars over the bride of is nose and up to his forehead.
Distinctive: Knick in his right ear along the edge

Amethyst Xabi

To Live and Love Boldy, echoing thru time and space.

Age: Mid-thirties
Race: Viera
Occupation: Bard

Height: 6'4"
Build: Muscular
Hair Color: Indigo Blue with light blue highlights
Eye Color: Gold(Right)/Light Dark Brown (Left)

Piercings: Multiple in both ears, the length of the out side edge of her ears.
Tattoos: Yellow triangles under each eye and on the bridge of her nose.
Scars: Multiple across body, most prominent is from hip to armpit along her right side over her ribs, and one over her heart that radiate out like cracked glass, the tendrils climbing over her shoulder.
Distinctive: Ambidextrous
Other: Has a talent for mimicking others voices.




Hello! Thank you for taking a look at my Carrd!

Age: 21+
Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them
Timezone: PST